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Welcome to GiGi MLDC
Over the years Gigi has practised in a varied range of Holistic therapies and treatments. She gained her full body massage certification in 1998.
Gigi is a fully qualified Dr Vodder MLD Specialist and has trained in many different types of massage techniques. She aims to bespoke all services to provide a unique and tailored treatment programme to meet the individual’s needs.
After a personal experience of cosmetic surgery in Nottinghamshire, she found that the surrounding areas lacked qualified Manual Lymphatic Drainage therapists. This inspired Gigi to study at the International School of Dr Vodder.
Gigi thrives on being able to adapt her range of techniques from deep relaxation treatments, to gentle pre and post-surgery massages with the use of Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Deep Oscillation therapy. These techniques allow her to significantly accelerate the overall wound healing process, which reduces swelling and inflammation in her clients.